Year 3 & 4 English & Curriculum

Lower Key Stage 2 Curriculum

To kick start our year the children will learn about the Vikings and Anglo Saxons how they invaded Britain and lived during this era. Our second topic is Light and Sound where we investigate how light is needed to see things and when sounds are made this causes vibration. In Spring 1 we will learn about The World Around Us celebrating different cultures of neighbouring countries. Our second topic in Spring 2 is Water that links to the importance of the water cycle. Ancient Egypt is our topic for Summer 1 where children find out how the Egyptians lived on our planet 5000 years ago and the interesting things they did especially during mummification! Our final topic of the year is Habitats. We explore and use different clarification keys to help group, identify and name a variety of living things in their local and wider environment.  

Lower KS2 English Curriculum

Throughout the year the children will be taught English by focusing on different texts for at least two weeks at a time. Whilst they learn about stories and non-fiction writing they will be taught to use a range of genres including diaries, posters, persuasive texts, chronological reports and story writing. Children will be taught different spelling groups and how to use a variety of features including similes, metaphors, alliteration and personification that they will be encouraged to use in different styles of their writing. Daily children will become engaged in a story session where the text is related to their half termly topic. 

Lower KS2 Maths Curriculum

In Lower Key Stage 2 maths curriculum children continue to develop their mathematical knowledge to ensure they are increasingly confident with whole numbers and the four operations, including number facts and the concept of place value. Children will be taught these operations using concrete objects, pictorially, mentally and written methods. Also, they will develop their knowledge of the number system by solving a range of problems, including with simple fractions and decimal place value.  They will deepen their knowledge of shapes and ensure they can use measuring instruments with accuracy.  As children enter Year 3 they will focus first on learning the 3, 4 and 8 times. By the end of Year 4 they will be expected to know all their times tables up to 12.  

Outdoor Learning

In Year 3 and 4 we love exploring in the outdoor environment. As part of Science we are starting to investigate the changes that occur during each season. We have already noticed how the leaves are changing colour. Every Thursday we participate in our Real PE lessons with a sports coach, at present we are carrying out circuit sessions. This helps us to keep fit, healthy, active and benefits our mental well-being.  In October, we are participating in Walktober and have already succeeded to complete many laps around our school grounds. During PSHE sessions we have acted out scenarios to help us to learn how to react in various situations.