Year 1 & 2 English & Curriculum

Key Stage 1 Curriculum

The Key Stage 1 curriculum has six main topics, one for each half term. Our first topic is Houses & Homes, which incorporates the geographical study of our local area. Remember, Remember is the topic for Autumn 2 with a focus of Guy Fawkes and Christmas. Our first topic in Spring is Wonderful World, during this topic we explore other cultures and regions through stories and other mediums. Our second topic for Spring 2 is Green Fingers where the children will have their own opportunity to grow a plant.  Zoom is our topic for  
Summer 1; this topic focuses on the historical events of transport and movement. Our final topic for the year is Keeping Safe. This topic covers aspects such as keeping your body healthy and keeping ourselves safe with the help of our community.  

KS1 English Curriculum

Our English curriculum is text driven. Our reading and writing links closely to quality picture books shared with the children. The class teacher reads to the class daily, reading both contemporary and traditional stories. Through the year, the children will write a range of text types including captions, letters, information texts, posters, diaries, stories and persuasive texts. Daily phonics lessons follow the Letters and Sounds scheme to support early reading and writing. 

KS1 Maths Curriculum

The Key Stage 1 maths curriculum involves teaching through concrete, pictorial and abstract strategies such as using physical objects to manipulate, representing amounts through drawing and mentally calculating numbers. Every maths lesson begins with daily counting.  

Learning times tables begins in Year 2 and in Year 1 children learn to count in steps of 2s, 5s and 10s. Our maths curriculum involves fluently recalling number facts as well as reasoning and problem solving.

Outdoor Learning

In the September sunshine we sketched our school in the style of the artist Lowry. As part of Walktober, we are aiming to walk many laps of our school grounds. The children love listening to stories outside and then retelling the stories through drama in groups. One of our favourites is creating pictures using natural materials found in the grounds of our school. Real PE, lessons with a sports coach and the daily mile helps to keep us active outdoors and develop our gross motor skills.