Vision and Values

The Amazing 8 Skills for Life

The Amazing 8 learning skills were devised in response to our recognition and strong belief that there are important life skills to be taught and instilled in even the youngest of children.

A Government survey of corporate employers in 2012 found that the most important characteristics and attributes looked for in prospective employees, were of such life skills alongside, and even in some cases over and above, academic prowess.

We worked closely as a staff team to determine our own key values and agreed the skills that we most wanted to nurture in all our learners, both young and old.

We then worked with the children to decide how these skills would be fostered, promoted and followed. They decided, in their Eyries, that they would devise a superhero character for each of the skills. A competition to create a superhero for each skill was run, and the winning designs are those that you will see around the school and in every classroom today.

Planning for lessons reflects opportunities to practice these skills and they have even been captured by the children themselves within our school rules.

We are now further developing our reward system to recognize progress and achievement in the Amazing 8.


Our 4 School Rules​

  1. THINK before you speak. Is it: True? Hurtful? Inspiring? Necessary? Kind?
  2. Keep Your Hands And Feet To Yourself
  3. Keep Yourself And Others Safe
  4. Use Your ‘Amazing 8’ Learning Skills