
Burnham Copse believes strongly in rewarding children. Below is a breakdown of our rewards system.



These are given for work just above what you would expect from a child as well as when they demonstrate using their Believe, Care, Perseverance and succeed skills. If a child completes a page of their star chart then a certificate is given in class by the teacher. They are also given a BIRDIE, which will have the class initial on the back, to put up on the display in the corridor. If a child completes their whole star chart, then they are sent to the Head Teacher for a Gold Head Teacher Award. They are also given a BIRDIE to put up on the Eyrie display in the corridor. Each week the Eyrie captains add up their points and the winning Eyrie ‘win’ a team building session. Our children are very motivated to earn BIRDIEs for their Eyrie.

Head Teacher Awards

Bronze and Silver Head Teacher Awards to be given out by the teacher in the class. These are to be given for truly excellent work and learning behaviour, above and beyond what would be expected for that child. Gold awards will be given out by Head Teacher. This is to be for exceptional work and learning behaviour, and the children will be allowed to stand up in sharing assembly. If a Gold Head Teacher’s Award has been given, then the children can go and collect them 5 minutes before the end of the session.

Reading Rainbow

If a child moves up a reading level then they are presented with a silver Head Teacher’s Award. In Receptions and Key Stage 1, the Reading rainbow will continue for now.


Marbles are rewarded to the whole class for demonstrating good learning behaviour and our Amazing 8 skills. Each week in sharing assembly, the class in FS/KS1 and one in KS2, with the most marbles, are rewarded with Bernie, our school bear. The class with the highest weekly attendance earns an extra 20 marbles which often pushes the class to win Bernie as a result.

Cool Wall

Y6 have points instead of stars – These points go towards the “Cool Wall”, which is announced in sharing assembly every Friday. Y6 children earn points when in class and on duty. Any teacher can also award a Y6 children for showing good sportsmanship, work attitude, citizenship, manners, leadership, initiative and presentation.

Superstar Certificates

These are awarded for Reader, Writer, Speller, Handwriter and Mathematician of the week who have produced excellent work. These children will be rewarded with a certificate before their weekly Sharing Assembly. They will then stand up in assembly.